221 & 234
My first two Tigers from my company is now finished. I'm really satisfied with them and think they came out pretty nice. Tigers is just a awesome looking tank, next project might be a company of king tigers.
Gave them quite some weathering to make them look like they have really been in battle, using different pigments, washes and chipping. These tanks have a bit extra stowage added, but are not the Tigers with the most added. But damn, I wish that I was better at sculpting. There's some people out there, who is just amazing at it. It would be so cool to scratch build much more on the tanks and really make them unique and stand out. But what the hell, you have to practice to become good. So that's what I'm gonna do!
One of the biggest worries I had with doing the Tigers, was applying the decals, and making them set in the zimmerit. This was solved by using microscales decal softener.
I'm a bit unsure if the inside of the drivers hatch should be ivory or if it would have been painted dunkelgelb?

I was a bit nervous about painting the Heer Zeltbahn on such a big surface. But I think it came out nicely, maybe a bit difficult seeing on my pictures. But you get the idea :-)
Back shot of the two tanks.
Tank 221
Tank 234
Drivers shot
Side shot